Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Well..... That Was Ungood

I saw Dr Gennaro and got the reluctant okay to jog (not run) 3 miles. He was really reluctant and I was really interested in doing it and a bit scared to not and a bit scared to do it.

So, he gave me all this stuff to do prior - heat and various dynamic stretches.

I was excited.

I did the heat and then took the short car ride over to the school. I did the high knee stretch, I did the 'kick your butt' stretch, then I started the forward lunge stretch.

VERY, VERY UNGOOD. My quad screamed and yelled and protested and hated me.

I then tried the side step, drag stretch and it didn't like that either.

Then I started a slow jog. Nope, ain't gonna happen without ruining all of the gains I have made to date.

I see Heather tomorrow, I will DWR tomorrow, I will see heather and Dr G on Friday.

I am disappointed and worried. I am not defeated, so I do not need cheering up or anything. I will be in the marathon and I will finish it.

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