I still do not have the okay to run. I could be running in a pool. I can get into the Jewish Community Center pool and I would need to get/find a flotation belt. The doctor is calling a buddy of his who might be able to get me one. I am sensing this is not going to work out. I am very willing to be surprised.
I am surprising okay. I often ask myself if this is my 'first marathon stoopidity' and I don't care. I think that running/finishing a marathon is so much about attitude, that I am keeping this attitude, even if it is a stoopid one.
I am really getting excited. I have been talking to people about coming to the marathon. I think we are up to 19 people who are coming. Kyle is thinking about doing his training run with me. He has 9 miles to do that weekend, so he just might keep me company for that long! Melissa might join me at some point as well. How cool is that?
My job is to get healthy.
I am good at getting jobs done.
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