Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Thin Line I See Today

There is this thin line between 'listen to your body' and 'copping out' for me this morning. It is all in my head, I do know that. My ankle and my quad could no sooner run 18 miles today than my mom could. I do think I could probably do 3 hours on the elliptical today and probably not be able to move without limping and wincing afterward. I still can't seem to quiet that voice that is telling me to BUCK UP, YOU WIMP.

I did 10 minutes on the elliptical as a warm up to my stretches yesterday morning. I had a hard time figuring out how to get on the darn thing without wincing in my quad - the lateral/upward motion is a killer - but it was fine.

I am going to see how I do after 20 minutes as a warm up this morning.

That's the plan and then tomorrow is the chiropractor so I will have someone tell me what to do. I like that. He can be the boss of me.

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