Saturday, October 23, 2010

Are You Still In The Pool?

That is a question my dad asked me when I spoke to him this evening. It went something like this:

M - I am! I still have 2 picks.

D - 2 what?

M - 2 picks.

D - What?

M - 2 lives. It is a suicide pool, so that when the team you pick loses, you die - like you killed yourself. I have 2 lives left.

D - I didn't mean that pool - I meant are you still running in the pool.


So, I am still DWR. I did 1 hour and 35 minutes today. That is pretty much the time I would be running the 9 miles that is on my schedule.

I am hoping I can run again by midweek. I will continue to use the pool and DWR until I am cleared to run.

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