Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Gladys is a friend who has taught me something great. She is someone who had been smothered by the "stuff' in her life. Her home was cluttered and she was overwhelmed by the things she was holding on to. She took on a project to de-clutter her life, to get freedom from the things that were constraining her and to make room for what is important in her life.

She took the first steps. She hired someone to assist in going thorough her things and boxing up those things that thwarted the kind of life she wanted. Her porch was then filled with boxes. Prior to learning what Gladys taught me, I would have just taken them all to Goodwill at best and the dump at worst. Not Gladys.

While Goodwill is a great choice, Gladys waited until an opportunity to make a difference in an area that is important to her came along. Amy told Gladys about our Yard Sale, about my mom and my marathon and the Run2Remember team.

Gladys gave us all of her things to sell at our Yard Sale.

Gladys having the purpose of her project - not just the de-cluttering, but also the making room for what is important to her - that is the piece I would have lost. It is important to Gladys that she make a difference for her loved ones.

She did. She is the reason we raised over $1,500 at our Yard Sale.

Our next one will be during the first 2 weeks of August.

Gladys is now tackling her shed.

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