Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sharing My Mace

I went out for my run yesterday morning and 'wore' my mace for the first time. I was concerned about having it in my hand. I was concerned that it would be distracting or that I would find myself holding the canister too tightly. It really seemed like it was designed for me. It fits right in my palm, stays right in position for instant usage (without having to even touch the canister)and the velcro does not scratch or itch.

As I was crossing Rte 82, I heard dog commotion. Never a good thing these days. As I got to my stretching post, the commotion had stopped. I did know that the noises had come from Stissing Lane. I was heading up Stissing Lane first.

After stretching, I take off. As I turn onto Stissing, I see two people and two dogs. I assume they are a married couple and I give them and their dogs a wide berth. I noticed that neither the man or the woman tightened their leashes, so I figured I was going to be fine. I was.

I passed them three more times before my run was done. The last time, the woman said something to me about being impressed or something and I just smiled and said thank you.

As I was fixing to walk home, they were just finishing their walk and coming toward me. I figured they would be good people to get 'dog advice' from. It was cute, the woman spoke to me and said "Are you going again?" I told her I was done with my run and that I would like dog advice from them.

I told them about my bite and about the second German Shepherd. I asked if they lived around here (it was Memorial Day morning, so I thought they may be visiting). They own Animal Farm, which is pretty much across the street from the second Shepherd.

Here is what I found out:

- That Shepherd had been reported to the town. The owners were told to keep it inside the fence with the gate shut.

- That Shepherd came after them this morning and that was the commotion I had heard.

- She yelled at the Shepherd, in a mean and stern voice and it stopped. She also called it a very bad name when she yelled at it.

- She knows me and I know her - we were on the Rail to Trail committee together 10 years ago.

- We have an Animal Control guy in town - who knew?

I showed them my Joggers Mace and they were intrigued. The man asked where I got it and said they were going to get some. This was the first day they took their dogs that direction on Stissing Lane, as they knew the Shepherd had been reported. The woman said she was concerned about walking home now, as what would they do if the Shepherd attacked their dogs?

I offered her my mace to use for their walk home. The husband declined and I could see she wanted to say yes. I took it off my hand and told her to take it and bring it back before Wednesday morning. I apologized for it being sweaty.

1 comment:

  1. Sweaty Mace.

    There is a country song in there somewhere.
