From Wikipedia:
An Achilles’ heel is a deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, that can actually or potentially lead to downfall.
So..... I am sure I have more than one Achilles Heel - and the one I am going to talk about to today is actually my achilles tendon. It is my 'running thing'. For years, whenever I have taken on running on a regular basis - it rears it's ugly head and I am limping.
A few years back, I buggered it up horribly. So horribly that I went to the doctor and then to physical therapy.
I woke up this morning and the achilles tendon in my right foot was talking very loudly to me. It was saying "Hey - you! Don't you remember what happens when you try to make me run?"
I do remember, so.... what am I going to do about it?
I am not going to not run.
I am going to do what the physical therapist told me to do the last time.
Three times a day I will be doing stretches for my achilles. 30 seconds each leg, 6 times - so that means 6 minutes each time, 3 times a day. The first will be done before I sit down to my computer each morning. The second will be after lunch is done and cleaned up and the third will be after dinner and before I set up the coffee maker.
That's the plan. I'll let you know how I am doing and how it is working.
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