And, of course, in true Big Sister form, she had my FuelBelt bottle and it was full. I quickly grabbed it and went on my way.
I was starting to get nauseous. I never got nauseous during my long runs. This was odd. I had cut my PowerBars up into bite size pieces, as I learned in my long run in Yorktown how hard a PowerBar is in 48 degree weather. I had bite size pieces and just popped one in my mouth. A few minutes after swallowing it, my tummy was not happy. I tried more water, my tummy was still not happy.
Then I remembered that Carrie was going to be at Mile 15 and she was going to have a banana for me. I could make it to Mile 15.
I saw Kevin and Steve again at 14, this time they got video. I saw it later and anyone can tell that by then, all form was gone, my hip was compensating for my quad hurting. I did not know then that I was hurting, in my mind, I was still moving well.
Okay, not much further and I can have that banana and stop this awful feeling in my stomach.
I saw the 15 miler marker and started looking and looking for Carrie, I looked and looked and looked and then, then looked some more. Okie dokie, I say, no banana in my future.
By this time, the subways had thrown all of my peeps plans out the window. I knew this was possible, as last year Jimmy and I missed Doreen at mile 18. I just kept moving, allowing all of the peeps who did not know me, but knew my name, to support the crap outta me. Every time I heard someone yell "Way to go, Lynnie" I grinned from the inside out. My feet felt the grin and moved faster.
The Queensborough Bridge is sorta mile 15 and 16. We had already traversed the Verrazano and the Pulaski - I have zero memory of the Pulaski but it is there on the map, so I must have crossed it. After we cross the Queensborough Bridge, we come into Manhattan for the first time. I read all this stuff about the roar of 1st Avenue, about how it stays with people forever and blah, blah, blah. I gotta say - it was nothing for me. I heard nothing any different than any other place on the course.
Can I just say, I hated 1st Avenue. The spectators were in cages. I know they weren't cages, but the were behind silver bars. They were pushed back onto the sidewalk so far that they were not within reach. No high-fives, nothing personal. The only possible people to make human contact with were the cops and they were so busy keeping people in their cages that the whole avenue just sucked.
Once the suckitude that is 1st Avenue was done, we headed over the Willis Ave Bridge to get into the Bronx. Somewhere in the early incline, a banana appears in front of my face! It was a miracle. On the other end of the banana is Carrie! I think I even said "Thank God!" I tear into the banana and take a bite. It tasted so good. It hit my stomach and it was not a good idea. I thought I just might puke right here on the bridge, while running. I realize Carrie is running with me. She is in her street clothes and she is running with me. Danielle is staying at our 'usual' pace and I am slowing to Carrie's pace. I told her that the banana is making me queasy and I give it back to her. She asked me if I was digging deep and many runners around laughed at that. I then told her I could not lose Danielle and she helped me look for her in the crowd and I took off to catch up.
I loved the Bronx, not as much as I loved Brooklyn, but the Bronx was a great feeling after the 'stick up one's buttness' of 1st Avenue.
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