I had come into this marathon injured. My last long run was the 16 miler on October 3rd. I had a 5 miler on October 5 and an 8 miler on October 6. I did nothing but limp and ice and stretch the week of October 10. I did 5 deep water running sessions the week of October 17 and twice the week of October 25.
On October 26, I set out to jog and was stopped cold by the pain in my quad. The next 2 days I hit the elliptical for an hour each day. I did run 4ish miles on the 30th, then did 90 minutes on the elliptical on October 31. I ran 3 miles on November 2 and again on the 3rd and walked 3 miles on the 5th.
I missed the two 18 milers on my training schedule and the taper of a 9 miler and then an 8 miler.
So..... I had no, that is zero, evidence of how long I could actually run. I was starting the marathon determined to see how long I could run for before I had to walk.
I have no idea how this could have happened, but I got to the place where the orange, green and blue corrals merged and my quad had not even whispered to me. I felt strong.
I saw Steve and Kevin at 8 and then before I knew it, there was Michelle in her purple Run To Remember t-shirt somewhere in mile 9. I had finished 1 of my fluid bottles in my FuelBelt. I didn't think I would make it all the way through on what was on me. Before starting the marathon, I had thought I would stop at the Fluid Stations when I was out, but after having been through them, I did not want to stop. I did not remember who was scheduled to be at 9 but I knew Michelle was somewhere before 15. I knew my Big Sister would be able to help me.
I handed Michelle the empty bottle and asked her to get it filled and back to me. The great thing about Michelle is that she can process things fast, get what is needed and then you can count on it being done.
I went to catch up with Danielle.
We tooled along (can one tool along on foot?) and suddenly there was this blaring, loud, deep yell that I recognized as my name! Danielle jumped, I mean jumped. It was Robin! I told her that was my other sister and she laughed and laughed. About a block from Robin, I saw Yvette and her eyes alone fed me energy.
At this point, I had no idea where we were. I had stopped looking at the mile markers and I had lost count in my head. I was happy about that, as counting at that point was not productive.
I was just getting out of the 'danger zone', otherwise known as the Fluid Station and there were Amy and Betti Lu. You have got to love the way they were dressed. Look at this:
Betti Lu made herself earrings - one said Be Bold, the other said Dig Deep! They both wore those alien ears all day long. Can anyone ask for more exuberance than these two woman provide? I think not!
The only reason I know how far I had run at this point is because of the Peeps Schedule that Amy compiled.
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